• Grupy na Zagłoby 11




          GR. I

          Good morning song

          Good morning! Good morning!

          Hello, hello to you! X2


          Hello song

          Dolly says: „Hello!”

          Teddy says: „Hello!”

          The dog says: „Woof!”

          And the cat says: „Meow!”


          Goodbye song

          Dolly says: „Goodbye!”

          Teddy says: „Goodbye!”

          The dog says: „Woof!”

          And the cat says: „Meow!”


          Sit down- stand up

          Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down.

          Sit down, sit down, clap, clap, clap.

          Stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up.

          Stand up, stand up, stamp, stamp, stamp.


          Sit and stand, sit and stand.

          Clap, clap, clap, clap, stamp, stamp, stamp. x2


          What is it?

          What is it? What is it?

          Zoom, zoom a plain.

          What is it? What is it?

          Wroom, wroom a car.

          What is it? What is it?

          Splash, splash a boat.

          What is it? What is it?

          Ding, ding, dong, ding a bike.


          Hello yellow!

          Hello yellow, hello yellow!

          Hello red, hello red!

          Hello yellow, hello yellow!

          Hello blue, hello blue.

          Hello yellow, hello yellow!

          Hello blue to you

          A funny Teddy
          Ha, ha, ha, ha, hi, hi, hi.
          This is a funny, funny Teddy.
          A funny hand, a funny head, two funny feet on funny Teddy! x2


          Let’s go to Poland

          Let’s go to Poland, Poland!

          Let’s go to Poland now! x2

          Are you ready? Are you ready?

          Are you ready to say: „Bye, bye, bye!” x2


          My face

          This is my face, this is my face.

          I’ve got eyes. Look, look, look!

          I’ve got ears. Listen, listen, listen!

          I’ve got a nose. Sniff, sniff, sniff!

          I’ve got a mouth. Munch, munch, munch!

          I’ve got hair. Swish, swish, swish!


          If you are happy and you know it…

          If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands. x3

          Clap you hands.

          If you're angry, angry, angry stomp your feet. x3

          Stomp your feet.

          If you're angry, angry, angry stomp your feet.

          If you're scare, scare, scare say: "Oh no!" x3

          Say: "Oh no!"

          If you're scare, scare, scare say: "Oh no!"

          If you're sleep, sleep, sleep take a nap. x3

          Take a nap.

          If you're sleep, sleep, sleep take a nap.


          The family fingers

          Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

          Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

          Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

          Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

          Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?


          Good morning.- Dzień dobry.

          Hello!- Cześć!

          Goodbye!- Do widzenia!

          Bye!- Do zobaczenia!

          a doll- lalka

          a teddy bear- miś

          a dog- pies

          a cat- kot

          a ball- piłka


          sit down- siadać

          clap- klaskać

          stand up- wstać

          stamp- tupać


          What is it?- Co to jest!

          a plain- samolot

          a car- samochód

          a boat- łódka

          a bike- rower


          yellow- żółty

          red- czerwony

          blue- niebieski


          This is my face.- To jest moja twarz.

          I’ve got ...- Ja mam…

          eyes- oczy

          look- patrzeć

          ears- uszy

          listen- słuchać


          a nose- nos

          sniff- wąchać

          a mouth- usta

          munch- chrupać

          hair- włosy

          swish- szeleszczeć/ śmigać


          emotions- emocje

          happy- szczęśliwy

          sad- smutny

          angry- zły

          sleepy- śpiący

          clap hands- zaklaskać w dłonie

          tamp feet- tupać nogami

          take a nap- uciąć drzemkę


          a family fingers- paluszkowa rodzina

          a daddy- tatuś

          Where are you?- Gdzie jesteś?

          How do you do?- Jak się masz?

          a mommy- mamusia

          a brother- brat

          a sister- siostra

          a baby- dziecko/ bobas





          What is it?

          What is it? What is it?

          I don’t know.

          What is it? What is it?

          I don’t know.

          What is it?

          A house, a house, a house, house, house.

          What is it? What is it?

          I don’t know.

          What is it? What is it?

          I don’t know.

          What is it?

          A door, a door, a door, door, door.

          What is it? What is it?

          I don’t know.

          What is it? What is it?

          I don’t know.

          What is it?

          A window, a window, a window, window, window.



          What is it?- Co to jest?

          a house- dom

          a door- drzwi

          a window- okno

          a flower- kwiatek

          the sun- słońce

          a tree- drzewo






          Hello song

          Hell girls! Hello boys!

          Let’s get ready to play!

          Hello girls! Hello boys!

          Let’s play today!


          Let’s go to Poland

          Let’s go to Poland, Poland!

          Let’s go to Poland now! x2

          Are you ready? Are you ready?

          Are you ready to say: „Bye, bye, bye!” x2


          The wheels on the bus

          The wheels on the bus go round and round,

          round and round,

          round and round.

          The wheels on the bus go round and round.

          Round and round.


          The doors on the bus go open and shut;

          Open and shut;

          Open and shut.

          The doors on the bus go open and shut.

          Open and shut.


          The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish;

          Swish, swish, swish;

          Swish, swish, swish.

          The wipers on the bus go: „Swish, swish, swish”.

          Swish, swish, swish”.


          The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;

          Beep, beep, beep;

          Beep, beep, beep.

          The horn on the bus: „Beep, beep, beep”.

          Beep, beep, beep”.


          The people on the bus move: up and down,

          up and down, up and down

          The people on the bus move up and down.

          Up and down.


          The babies on the bus says: „Wah, wah, wah;

          Wah, wah, wah;

          Wah, wah, wah”.

          The babies on the bus says „Wah, wah, wah”.

          Wah, wah, wah”.


          The mommies on the bus says „Shush, shush, shush;

          Shush, shush, shush;

          Shush, shush, shush”.

          The mommies on the bus says „Shush, shush, shush”.

          Shush, shush, shush”.


          My face

          This is my face, this is my face.

          I’ve got eyes. Look, look, look!

          I’ve got ears. Listen, listen, listen!

          I’ve got a nose. Sniff, sniff, sniff!

          I’ve got a mouth. Munch, munch, munch!

          I’ve got hair. Swish, swish, swish!


          My head

          This is your head.

          This is your nose.

          This is your mouth.

          This is your chin.

          These are your cheeks.

          These are your ears.

          These are your eyes.

          Head, nose, mouth, chin, cheeks, ears, eyes. x4


          Head, shoulders, knees and toes

          Head and shoulders, knees and toes

          Knees and toes.

          Head and shoulders, knees and toes

          Knees and toes.

          Ad eyes and ears

          And mouth and nose

          Head and shoulders, knees and toes

          Knees and toes. x2


          Feelings and Emotions Song


          What do you do when you're happy? When I'm happy I laugh

          When I'm happy happy happy I laugh laugh laugh x 2

          Ha ha ha ha ha!


          What do you do when you're sad? When I'm sad I cry

          When I'm sad sad sad I cry cry cry

          Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo!


          What do you do when you're angry? When I'm angry I stomp my feet

          Whe I'm angry angry angry I stomp my feet x 2

          Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp


          What do you do when you're hungry? When I'm hungry I eat a snack

          When I'm hungry hungry hungry I eat a snack x 2

          Yum yum yum yum yum!


          What do you do when you're sleepy? When I'm sleepy I go to sleep

          When I'm sleepy sleepy sleepy I go to sleep x 2



          If you are happy and you know it…

          If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands. x3

          Clap you hands.

          If you're angry, angry, angry stomp your feet. x3

          Stomp your feet.

          If you're angry, angry, angry stomp your feet.

          If you're scare, scare, scare say: "Oh no!" x3

          Say: "Oh no!"

          If you're scare, scare, scare say: "Oh no!"

          If you're sleep, sleep, sleep take a nap. x3

          Take a nap.

          If you're sleep, sleep, sleep take a nap.


          This is my great family

          This is my great family.

          Mother, father, me.


          This is my great family.

          Mother, father, me.


          This is my sister.

          This is my brother.

          Grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, cousin.


          This is my great family.

          Mother, father, me


          My family

          Sister, sister touches your nose,

          brother, brother winks your eyes,

          daddy, daddy moves your head,

          mommy, mommy touches your mouth.

          And sends us lot of kisses

          and sends us lot of kisses:

          kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss. x2


          The family fingers

          Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

          Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

          Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

          Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

          Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?

          Here I am, here I am, how do you do?


          Halloween Creatures Song

          What's that sound? It's all around!

          I see 10 little witches (ghosts, monsters, vampires, werewolves) dancing on the ground

          Let's count!

          1, 2, 3, 4, 5

          and they say hee, hee, hee (boo, rarara, hahaha, aroo)

          6, 7, 8, 9, 10

          and the say hee, hee, hee (boo, rarara, hahaha, aroo).



          What’s your name?- Jak masz na imię?

          My name is...- Mam na imię…


          a girl- dziewczynka

          a boy- chłopiec

          play- bawić się/ grać


          Let’s go to Poland!- Chodźmy do Polski!

          Are you ready?- Jesteście gotowi?


          sit down- siadać

          clap- klaskać

          stand up- wstać

          stamp- tupać

          turn aroun- obrócić się

          close your eyes- zamknąć oczy

          open your eyes- otwórz oczy

          show- pokaż

          hit- uderz

          sing- śpiewać

          walk- chodzić

          skip- podskakiwać

          jump- skakać

          fly- fruwać


          What is it?- Co to jest!

          a plain- samolot

          a car- samochód

          a boat- łódka

          a bike- rower

          a bus- autobus

          a train- pociąg

          wheels- koła on the bus

          go round- kręcić się w koło

          a door- drzwi

          open- otworzyć

          shut- zamknąć

          wipers- wycieraczki

          swish- śmigać

          a horn- klakson

          people- ludzie

          move up and down- poruszać się w górę i w dół

          a baby- dziecko

          a mommy- mamusia

          a daddy- tatuś


          a nose- nos

          sniff- wąchać

          a mouth- usta

          munch- chrupać

          hair- włosy

          swish- szeleszczeć/ śmigać

          a chin- podbródek

          cheeks- policzki

          I’ve got...- Ja mam...

          a head- głowa

          shoulders- ramiona

          knees- kolana

          toes- palce u stóp

          fingers- palce u dłoni

          a foot- stopa

          feet- stopy

          a hand- dłoń


          feelings- uczucia

          emotions- emocje

          happy- szczęśliwy

          laugh- śmiać się

          sad- smutny

          cry- płakać

          angry- zły

          stomp my feet- tupać nogami

          hungry- głodny

          eat- jeść

          thirsty- spragniony

          sleepy- śpiący

          sleep- spać

          surprised- zaskoczony

          cold- zimny

          hot- gorący

          loving- rozkochany

          scared- przestraszony


          a family fingers- paluszkowa rodzina

          a daddy- tatuś

          Where are you?- Gdzie jesteś?

          How do you do?- Jak się masz?

          a mommy- mamusia

          a brother- brat

          a sister- siostra

          a baby- dziecko/ bobas

          a mother- matka

          a father- ojciec

          a grandmother- babcia

          a grandfather- dziadek

          an aunt- ciocia

          an uncle- wujek

          a cousin- kuzyn


          touche a nose- dotknąć nos

          wink eyes- mrugać oczami

          move a head- ruszać głową

          touche a mouth- dotknąć ust

          send a lot of kisses- wysłać mnóstwo całusów

          a kiss- pocałunek


          Halloween- Halloween

          creatures- stwory

          What's that sound?- Co to za dźwięk?

          It's all around!- On jest wszędzie!

          a witch- wiedźma

          a ghost- duch

          a monster- potwór

          a vampire- wampir

          werewolves- wilkołaki

          dance- tańczyć

          count- liczyć

          one- jeden

          two- dwa

          three- trzy

          four- cztery

          five- pięć

          six- sześć

          seven- siedem

          eight- osiem

          nine- dziewięć

          ten- dziesięć






          The shape song

          A circle. A circle. Can you make a circle? x2

          A circle. A circle. Can you find a circle? x2

          Can you find a circle? Ready...GO!


          I know...let's make a diamond. Can you make a diamond? Here we go...

          A diamond. A diamond. Can you make a diamond? x2

          A diamond. A diamond. Can you find a diamond? x2

          Can you find a diamond? Ready...GO!


          Hmm...what's next? How about a square?

          A square. A square. Can you make a square? x2

          A square. A square. Can you find a square? x2

          Can you find a square? Ready...GO!


          Alright. Time for one more. Let's try a heart.

          A heart. A heart. Can you make a heart? x2

          A heart. A heart. Can you find a heart? x2

          Can you find a heart? Ready...GO!


          A circle, a diamond, a square, and a heart. x3



          shapes- kształty

          a circle- koło

          a diamond- diament

          a square- kwadrat

          a heart- serce

          an oval- owal

          a triangle- trójkąt

          a rectangle- prostokąt

          a star- gwiazda